Surah al_Naas Translation and Tafsir in English

            Chapter  No {114}.   Surah  Al_Naas      [Mankind]

Quran Surah Naas

  In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful    بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

                              قل أعوذ برب الناس     

                 1. "Say: 'I seek refuge with the Lord of mankind"    

                                   ملك الناس

                                              2. "The King of mankind"                                                               

                                    إله الناس

                                             3. "The God of mankind"                                                                

(1-3) Three characteristics of Allah the All-Mighty are discussed in this Surah. He provides for human needs, is the Sovereign, and is Deserving of Worship. He is the creator of all things, the owner of all things, and the ruler of all things. He orders anybody seeking refuge to turn to the Lord, who possesses these Qualities, in it.

                          من  شرالوسواس الخناس

                                     4." From the whisperer's evil"                                   

 Because Satan makes evil appealing to men, he tempts people to do sins. Only Allah has the power to ward off Satan's evil. The Prophet reportedly said, "With everyone of you there is a devil," according to a Hadith. Are you even accompanied by a devil, the Companions questioned. Yes, but Allah has given me defence against him, the Prophet argued.

According to Al-Bukhari and Muslim, the Prophet's wife Safiyyah once visited him while he was in seclusion (i'tikaf) in the mosque. The Prophet followed her to his home after she departed. He came across two passing Ansar Companions on the way. When they noticed him, they moved more quickly. When he called them, he introduced his wife, Safiyyah bint Huyay. They stated: "Subhanallah! Why, O Muhammad, are you saying this?" The Prophet declared: "The blood of Satan flows through a person. I worried that he might have made you think negatively of me."

According to a Hadith cited by Al-Hafidh Abu Ya'la Musily, the Prophet reportedly said: "The human heart is touched by Satan. He takes his hand away if he celebrates remembering Allah, and if he forgets Allah, Satan completely wins over his heart. The "evil of the whisperer" is this."

A companion was once travelling behind the Prophet on a mule, according to a Hadith that Ahmad ibn Hanbal narrated. The mule fell over. The Companion spoke out of the blue, "May Satan be destroyed." Says the Prophet "Never say that. He said, "I knocked him with my power. It encourages Satan. However, if you say, "In the name of Allah," he shrinks and turns into a fly." This demonstrates how remembering Allah is beneficial.

Added Sulayman: "According to what I've heard, Satan tricks people by boring into their hearts at times of joy and sadness. Man runs away if he thinks of Allah." Ibn 'Abbas claims that Satan preaches evil and departs from men when they follow him.

                                          الذى يوسوس فى صدور الناس 

                               5. "Who whispers in men's breasts?"                 

                                                        من الجنة والناس

                                                6. "Of jinn and men"                                                   

(5,6) The phrase "Who whispers in the breasts of mankind" has two possible meanings. Satan is said to whisper in the hearts of those who are of the human or jinn races, according to one interpretation. The alternative explanation is that jinn and demonic human beings whisper in other people's chests. 

Additionally, Allah declares:

Devils among humans and jinn were thus chosen as every Prophet's enemies; they used embellished speech to deceive one another.  6:112 of the Qur'an

According to Abu Dharr, he once visited the mosque and sat next to the Prophet. Did you pray, he questioned me? Offer two rak'ah, he commanded when I said "no." After the prayer, he added, "Abu Dharr, seek refuge against the devils among men and jinn," and I sat down once more. Are there also devils among men, I inquired? He said "Yes." What is the most important verse in the Qur'an, O Messenger of Allah? The Verse of the Throne (2:255), he declared. [The Imam. Also citing this Hadith are Nasa'i, Abu Hatim, and others.]

  اللهم   صل  على  محمد  و اله  و اصحابه  بعدد  ما  فى  جميع  القران  حرفا  حرفا  و بعدد  كل  حرف  الفا  الفا


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